Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.

Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.

It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.

Careers Lead: Mr David Stamper.

Email – Phone – 01262 676198

Careers Link Governor: Mrs Gemma Moverley (Personal Development)

Enterprise Adviser: Samantha Campbell

Careers at Headlands School

There is a comprehensive careers programme at Headlands School that begins in Year 7. We have been awarded the National Quality in Careers Standard for information, advice and guidance, which we are really proud of and the report can be viewed below. Careers at Headlands School is led by David Stamper who is a Level 6 trained Careers Leader as well as being level 6 trained in Careers Guidance.

We are active members of the Hull and East Yorkshire Careers Hub with Mr Stamper (Careers Lead) being heavily involved as the Community of Practice lead for the area. As part of the Hub, we are linked with Samantha Campbell from Novuno ( who is our Enterprise Advisor. She is integral in the further development of our careers programme to ensure our students have the required skills and aspirations to have successful careers. Please see here for more detail on the Enterprise Advisor Support.

Wherever an individual’s talents or interests lie we endeavour to nurture every student so that they can follow their dream and maximise their potential. A carefully constructed programme of guidance for GCSE pathways ensures that all students make informed choices.

Each year group takes part in a range of activities and visits run both internally and also by external providers. Students have regular contact with both local and national employers throughout their time at Headlands. Online web-based tools are also used to aid discussions.

Throughout the year we offer a wide range of opportunities for employers to take part in careers activities with our students. Our events are open to everyone and if you would like to be part of them please contact the Careers Leader. The Provider Access Policy at the bottom of this page has more detail.

Job of the week!

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Headlands students were involved in the Humber Careers Showcase. You can watch the video below.

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What our Team Headlands students did next…

The school loves to follow the progress of former students to see what careers they went on to achieve success in after leaving Headlands.

Destinations Year 11

  • 2021-22 leavers: 99% positive participation
  • 2022-23 leavers 99%  positive participation
  • 2023-24 leavers 100% intended destinations

Destinations Year 13 Leavers:

  • 2021-22 leavers: 100% positive participation
  • 2022-23 leavers 100%  positive participation
  • 2023-24 leavers: 100% positive participation

A number of former students have sent us their stories, their favourite memories of Headlands and their advice to our current students.

We are proud that many former students are integral to the careers activities, in particular our whole school Careers Fair and Year 11 Aspirations Day, we provide for our current students.

Click on the photos below to find out more, or you can find out about more of our Headlands alumni by clicking here.

Raising Aspirations

Our Year 9 Aspirations Event, Year 10 Work Experience Programme, Year 11 Aspirations Day and the annual whole school Careers Fair are all very popular with students.

They are an excellent way for students to talk with employers, employees and representatives from a wide range of universities and colleges. Student feedback tells us these events contribute to raising student’s aspirations and ambitions.

Year 11 Aspiration Day is held every year and is an opportunity for Year 11 students to meet local, national and international employers and gain experience of what it is like to experience a job interview.  During the day, students also attend workshops about apprenticeships, technical qualifications, how to apply for the next steps as well as completing their CV’s and researching the pathways available to them. Many students also use the day to make informed decisions about their next steps and have support in applying. Student and employer feedback is always overwhelmingly positive with students each year being offered jobs, apprenticeships or places on courses as a direct result.

Our popular whole school Careers Fair introduces students to a range of career areas, extending and opening the students’ eyes to careers they might not have thought of previously. 50+ Further Education, Higher Education, training providers and employers attend and set up stands for students to visit and learn more about what is on offer to them.

Alongside these flagship events, students from all year groups attend careers workshops, careers assemblies, careers PSHE lessons, level 6 trained guidance interviews and many other activities to ensure all students have the knowledge and skills that they need to achieve.

Below are photos of our students taking part in a wide range of careers activities!

“Students were excellent, all very personable and well prepared with great CVs. Meeting the students was a pleasure – they were all great”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day

“The school was great and the students were very good indeed. They were enthusiastic, polite, well prepared and sold them well.”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

“The school is good and well looked after, students were really impressive. They were friendly and all were prepared and happy. It was a really good environment.”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

“I met an impressive range of individuals who were a credit to themselves and the school. They had prepared well and for 15-16 year olds were very good. It was great to share in the student’s aspirations. Brilliant!”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

“The students were very impressive. They spoke and performed well – I wish I could have interviewed like that when I was 15!”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

“The students were a pleasure to talk with. They clearly knew why they were there and engaged in the process with enthusiasm and maturity.”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

“The best bit was meeting the students and seeing how well prepared they were. I enjoyed getting to know the students and was impressed how quickly they adapted to the situation, even when nervous.”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

“The students were very impressive. They spoke and performed well – I wish I could have interviewed like that when I was 15!”

Feedback from employers from Year 11 Mock Interview Day.

Benchmarks – and how we reach them

Click on the images below to find out more about the Careers programme at Headlands School.

Headlands School ‘live’ Careers Map 2024-25
Subject Specific Apprenticeship Information
Headlands School Learning Journey
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy
Provider Access Policy
The Quality in Careers Standard Report
Parents Guide to Careers
Labour Market Information
More info

Labour Market Information and Useful Careers Links

More info