Our curriculum at Headlands is designed to build physical skills, fitness, knowledge and self awareness resulting in confident students who continue to participate in sport or physical activity once they leave school.
Every year, Team Headlands organises a Sports Awards ceremony. You can read about the 2020 winners by clicking here.
The KS3 curriculum provides a broad and engaging range of sports selected to continuing the students progress from primary school and embed knowledge and physical skills so that they can continue to grow their love of all sport and physical activity.
During Years 7 to 9 students will acquire the core and advanced skills required to play sport whilst developing technical and tactical knowledge for coaching and officiating at a basic level.
During KS4 students will consolidate everything learnt at KS3 but with more emphasis placed on achieving the recommended levels of physical activity required for a healthy lifestyle. Students will be expected to take on more coaching and officiating so they become totally independent in the organising, setting up and running of the PE lessons.
Both KS3 and KS4 curricula enable students to prepare with confidence for examinations in PE. Lessons are carefully sequenced, designed and differentiated to support the progress of students who have a range of starting points and levels of prior attainment, so that all succeed and feel proud and confident in their achievements.
The PE Department is staffed by a dedicated and experienced team of subject specialists who work in close collaboration to support students’ engagement and attainment.
The success of our curriculum is evident in our students’ enthusiasm of PE, the number of students taking part in our extensive extra curricular programme and our exam results. We are confident as a depart that all students finish school with all the skills required to continue with their journey in sport and physical activity.
Find out more information about our PE curriculum by clicking the links below.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current Covid-19 guidelines, the order of activities in PE may be changed for each half-term.
PE – Intent, Implementation, Impact
7 Year Curriculum Plan
Get more detailed information on what students look at on a term-by-term basis in each year group by clicking on the links below.
Key Stage 5 NCFE Sport and Exercise Science course information
Key Stage 4 NCFE Health and Fitness Course Information – Year 10 and 11
Year 7 Subject Information
Year 8 Subject Information
Year 9 Subject Information
Click on the links below to see how students are assessed in Years 7, 8 and 9.