Our curriculum at Headlands is designed to build success from KS3 through to GCSE and A level. It is designed to equip students with the necessary computational thinking and programming skills to enable them to succeed in higher or further education, or in future employment.

The KS3 curriculum provides a broad and engaging range of topics designed to develop and equip students with a wide range of fundamental skills, knowledge and understanding that will positively impact the rest of their lives. Computers and technology are now an integral part of everyday life that our learners would be at a disadvantage were they not to be exposed to a thorough and robust Computing curriculum.

Our learners will be taught in the art form of ‘Computational Thinking’ in order to provide them with essential knowledge that will enable them to participate effectively and safely in the digital world beyond our gates and prepare them for an ever changing digital environment in the 21st Century.

We study Computer Science to help us think in a more logical way and become better at making decisions and solve problems. We learn about how the different parts of a computer work together and why they work like that. In addition, we develop skills in programming systems and start to understand how computers communicate via networks. We then look at how important technology is in today’s society and the impact and issues that can arise from using computer systems, as well as how to improve them.

Both the KS3 and KS4 curriculum enable students to prepare with confidence for GCSE and A-Level Computer Science. KS4 students will study GCSE Computer Science with the second largest UK examination board, OCR. Lessons are carefully sequenced, designed and differentiated to support the progress of students who have a range of starting points and levels of prior attainment so that all succeed and feel proud and confident in their achievements.

Find out more information about our Computing and Business curriculum by clicking the links below.

Computing – Intent, Implementation, Impact


Business Studies – Intent, Implementation, Impact


7-Year Curriculum Plan – Computing, Computer Science and Business Studies


Get more detailed information on what students look at on a term-by-term basis in each year group by clicking on the links below.

Year 7 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 8 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 9 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 10 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 10 Subject Information – Business


Year 11 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 11 Subject Information – Business


Year 12 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 12 Subject Information – Business


Year 13 Subject Information – Computer Science


Year 13 Subject Information – Business


Click on the links below to see how students are assessed in Years 7, 8 and 9.

Year 7 computing assessment grid


Year 8 computing assessment grid


Year 9 business assessment grid


Year 9 computer science assessment grid



SMSC & British Values