- The Headlands School Careers Policy and Information, Advice and Guidance Programme has been developed by a Level 6-trained Careers Leader and a Level-6 practitioner trained in Careers Guidance. It is listed on the school website, has been approved by governors and accessible to all stakeholders and external providers.
- Headlands School has been working in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company and Humber Careers Hub since 2018. The Careers Lead is the Community of Practice Lead for Hull and East Yorkshire, making Headlands School a lead school in the area for careers.
- All providers, including representatives from technical education, apprenticeships, employers, further education and higher education organisations have the opportunity to speak with students.
- Feedback is gathered after events from students and providers and regularly from parents via questionnaires. Improvements are made to the programme and events based on comments.
- A part-time Support Services IAG role (Level 6 in Careers Guidance) is in place to help support arrangements for the Careers Programme.
- Careers journey are mapped on Compass+ to track students to ensure all have engaged with the careers activities through their time at school. We also record 1:1 guidance notes, student aspirations and intended destinations to allow for a more bespoke careers programme.
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