July 20: A letter to all parents to outline our Autumn Term Arrangements for September 2021.
July 16: A letter to all parents to outline our End of Term Arrangements.
July 16: A letter to Year 7 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 7 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 16: A letter to Year 7 parents whose children have not been identified as a close contact following confirmation that a member of our Year 7 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 16: A letter to Year 8 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 8 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 16: A letter to Year 8 parents whose children have not been identified as a close contact following confirmation that a member of our Year 8 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 16: A letter to Year 9 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 9 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 16: A letter to Year 9 parents whose children have not been identified as a close contact following confirmation that a member of our Year 9 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 14: A letter to Year 12 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 12 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 16: A letter to Year 12 parents whose children have not been identified as a close contact following confirmation that a member of our Year 12 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 14: A letter to Year 10 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 10 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 14: A letter to Year 10 parents whose children have not been identified as a close contact following confirmation that a member of our Year 10 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
July 12: A letter to update parents on the arrangements regarding the proposed Lateral Flow Device testing in September.
June 30: A letter to Year 8 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 8 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
June 30: A letter to update parents on the decision to close the school for remainder of this week for the majority of our students in the interest of public health.
June 28: A letter to all parents following confirmation that a member of our Year 7 and a member of our Year 8 school community have tested positive for COVID-19.
June 25: A letter to Year 12 parents whose children have been identified as close contacts following confirmation that a member of our Year 12 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
June 25: A letter to Year 12 parents whose children have not been identified as a close contact following confirmation that a member of our Year 12 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
June 25: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 12 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
May 10: A letter to Year 8 parents following confirmation that a member of our Year 8 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
May 10: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 8 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
May 6: A letter to Year 7 parents following confirmation that a member of our Year 7 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
May 6: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 7 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
May 5: A letter to Year 10 parents following confirmation that a member of our Year 10 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
May 5: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 10 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
March 25: A letter to Year 10 parents following confirmation that members of our Year 10 school community have tested positive for COVID-19.
March 25: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 10 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
March 25: A follow-up letter to Year 11 parents following confirmation that members of our Year 11 school community have tested positive for COVID-19.
March 23: A letter to Year 11 parents following confirmation that a member of our Year 11 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
March 23: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 11 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
March 17: A letter to Year 9 parents following confirmation that a member of our Year 9 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
March 17: A letter to parents of other year groups following confirmation that a member of our Year 9 school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
March 2: An update on plans for the phased return of students to school from Monday, March 8.
March 2: The current situation regarding students leaving the school site to go home for lunch.
March 2: Information on arrangements for lateral flow testing in school for students whose parents have given consent.
January 28: A summary of the results from the recent Parent Survey about how the Virtual School is working and outlining the next steps to help to improve the Virtual School provision.
January 5: Details of the live lessons timetable, arrangements for vulnerable children and children of critical workers, and how teachers will give feedback on students work was emailed to parents and carers.