Throughout lock-down we have continued to publish our CV-19 Risk Assessment on the school website and update it weekly. In July, many of you noticed that we judged the ventilation in the school to be Red (unacceptable) based on the Government re-opening guidance. This was because the Government guidance did not expect students to socially distance when in school nor wear face coverings. We are of the view this guidance contradicts other guidance. Furthermore the guidance being sent to school leaders is constantly being changed. On Friday last week revised guidance was published again and then changed again and re published just 2 hours later. In these uncertain times we would like to draw on your ongoing support and ask for your help to minimise the risk of CV-19 transmission for all our students, staff and the wider community by requesting; Students MUST wear face coverings in corridors, PE changing rooms, and toilets. Students SHOULD wear face coverings in classrooms – wherever possible and practical to do so. This is optional but, when following the government guidance, students will not be 2m apart in most classrooms. Please see for more detail. As all students attending secondary school have had to wear face coverings in a variety of indoor settings over the summer holidays, we would expect all students to have one (unless they have a particular health condition or learning need which allows them to be exempt). The face coverings can be plain, patterned or have a design on them providing they are not offensive. Furthermore, all staff at all times when inside the building, will be wearing a face shield – as a minimum expectation. Could we also remind parents / carers that visitors are still not permitted onto the school site and that all meetings will take place either via conference call or via Google Meets. Also, a reminder that it is full school uniform for students on their return. New year 7 students will be issued with a school badge during their first session. Thank you for your support in working together to keep all members of the Headlands School community and beyond safe.