Headlands Headlines Issue 7
Here is the final Headlands Headlines for this half-term. It features the weekly Headteacher's Message as well as photos from a range events in school over the past week. [...]
Headlands Headlines Issue 6
This week's edition of Headlands Headlines has been emailed to parents and carers. It features the weekly Headteacher's Message, the latest sports results from Team Headlands fixtures, photos from [...]
Performance of The Exam
Some of our Team Headlands students have been working hard to put this play together and are putting on two performances next week.
Letter to parents from Ofsted
A letter sent to parents on October 12th regarding an inspection of Headlands School by Ofsted. Download
Headlands Headlines Issue 5
This week's edition of Headlands Headlines has been sent to parents and carers. Issue 5 features the weekly Headteacher's Message, a round-up of this week's sports fixtures, news of [...]
Team Headlands students involved in Northern Girls show
Two Team Headlands students have been involved in a new theatre production which is being staged in Bridlington this month. Northern Girls brings together a team of professional and [...]
Meet our Team Headlands Super League star
He has played for some of the biggest rugby league clubs in the country, but now Stuart Fielden is part of Team Headlands. Once the most expensive player in [...]
Headlands Headlines Issue 4
This week's edition of Headlands Headlines has the weekly Headteacher's Message, the latest sports results and lots more news. It has been emailed to parents and carers, or you [...]
Headlands Headlines Issue 3
This week's edition of Headlands Headlines has been emailed to parents and carers. Issue 3 features the weekly Headteacher's Message, plus photos from the Flamingo Land trip and Open [...]
Headlands Headlines Issue 2
This week's edition of Headlands Headlines features the weekly Headteacher's Message, photos from the Fun Zone Day and Celebration Evening and information about after-school clubs. Copies of the newsletter [...]
Headlands Headlines Issue 1
The first edition of Headlands Headlines for the new school year has been emailed to parents and carers. Issue 1 has the weekly headteacher's message, some photos from the [...]
Stunning GCSE results for Team Headlands
Throughout Years 10 and 11 our students have worked incredibly hard during extraordinary times. As a result, they have secured some truly amazing academic GCSE results. 12% of students secured a Grade 9, 21% of students [...]