What you’ll learn:
Year 1
Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science I (biology, chemistry and physics)
Topics include periodicity and properties of elements, structure and function of cells and tissues, waves and communication.
This unit is externally assessed
Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques.
Scientific procedures and techniques are studied through a series of practical activities, including titrations, colorimetry, chromatography and calorimetry.
This unit is internally assessed
Year 2
Unit 3 Science Investigation skills
Science investigation skills are developed through 4 areas of study: plant populations, enzymes, electrical circuits and energy content of fuels.
This unit is externally assessed
Unit 14 Applications of Organic Chemistry –Example Unit Subject to change
Learners will cover the skills required to prepare and test a range of organic compounds and develop an understanding of their properties and uses in everyday life.
This unit is internally assessed
How you’ll be assessed:
Unit 1: Principles and Applications of Science I (biology, chemistry and physics)
Written examination set and marked by Pearson.
- 1.5 hours.
- 90 marks.
Unit 2: Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques
4 internally assessed tasks
50% internally assessed
50% externally assessed
1 resit allowed for externally assessed units
Unit 3 Science Investigation skills
A task set and marked by Pearson and completed under supervised conditions.
- The supervised assessment is arranged over two sessions in a three-week period timetabled by Pearson.
- The supervised assessment sessions are 3 hours for Part A and 1.5 hours for Part B.
- Practical investigation and written submission.
- 60 marks.
Unit 14 Applications of Organic Chemistry
4 internally set task covering a range of learning aims
42% internally assessed
58% externally assessed
1 resit allowed for externally assessed units
Where next:
The BTEC Applied Science course is especially suitable for students considering careers in areas such as nursing, midwifery, paramedic work, forensic and sports science (You should check the university websites for entry requirement for specific degrees as they can vary from course to course).
You should be aware that applied science does not count towards the National Curriculum subject requirement for teaching courses. If you want to be a teacher, you should do another National Curriculum subject as well as applied science, such as English or PE.