What you’ll learn:


Year one: A two week ‘foundations of physics’ module covers physical quantities and units, analysing data and vectors to check we’re all up to speed before we start the main units.


  •             Module 3 – Forces and motion covering: motion, forces in action, work, energy and power, materials and Newton’s laws of motion and momentum.
  •             Module 4 – Electrons, waves and photons: charge and current, energy, power and resistance, electrical circuits, waves and quantum physics.


In addition to this most of the required practicals that makeup Module 1 are in year 1 and



Year two


  •             Module 5 – Newtonian world and astrophysics covering: thermal physics, circular motion, oscillations, gravitational field, astrophysics and cosmology
  •             Module 6 – Particles and medical physics covering: capacitors, electric fields, electromagnetism, nuclear and particle physics and medical imaging.


How you’ll be assessed:


Modelling Physics: 2¼ hour written exam 100 marks, 37% of A level. (Year one content)

Exploring Physics: 2¼ hour written exam 100 marks, 37% of A level. (Year two content)

Unified Physics: 1hr 30mins written exam 70 marks, 26% of the A level. (Combines content from both years)

Practical endorsement in physics (Non Exam Assessment)


Where next:


Degree level qualifications in Physics, Engineering (all disciplines), Forensic Science, Medical Physics, Computer game design, Music technology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Rocket Science, Medicine, Accountancy, Law etc.


Higher Apprenticeships in Engineering, Computer science, Accountancy, Law etc.