Pupil Premium

Headlands School is an average-sized secondary school with a sixth form.  The proportion of students who are disadvantaged and receive support from the Pupil Premium is slightly above the national average at 324.  Almost all students are White British.  The vast majority of students speak English as their first language.

From the October 2021 Census the proportion of students at Headlands School who had received free school meals at any point in the last 6 years was 28%.  Headlands School will continue to maintain a relentless focus on disadvantaged students in order to maximise achievement and progress.

We will never confuse eligibility for the Pupil Premium for low ability and instead focus on supporting our disadvantaged students to achieve the highest levels. Whilst underpinned by the priorities set out in the Schools Development Plan, our strategy is based upon a detailed analysis of the barriers to learning faced by our students in receipt of the Pupil Premium.  As such it will address these barriers in order to secure excellent progress with regard to academic outcomes, attendance, aspirations, expectations and experiences outside the narrow definition of education upon which schools are often judged.

Central to our Pupil Premium will be an unerring focus on teaching and learning.  There is solid evidence that excellent teaching disproportionately benefits disadvantaged youngsters and so having a team of professionals resolutely committed to planning high quality, personalised and engaging lessons is of itself very significant.

In total, the school should receive £287,485.00 in Pupil Premium Funding in 2021 – 2022.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement


Parents Information