Pride. Aspire. Respect.
At Headlands we are committed to Working Together to provide engaging experiences that enable our students to enjoy learning and achieve their potential, develop skills to respond to a diverse and ever-changing society, and grow into confident and successful adults.
We will work for our local community by building a happy and vibrant school in which opportunity and innovation are encouraged and celebrated.
To achieve this, Headlands will:
Create and maintain positive relationships between students, parents/carers, staff and governors built on mutual respect and shared values
Provide exciting learning opportunities, harnessing the latest technologies, to inspire, raise aspirations, build confidence and encourage learning for life
Help our students develop the necessary knowledge and skills to equip them for all stages of their education and future employment
Help students and all stakeholders develop a sense of pride in the school and actively involve them in decision making
Have a happy school community, in which students are keen to be successful, are equipped to learn, attend regularly and take responsibility for their achievements and actions, and where everyone is supported, valued and listened to
Have the safety and well-being of our students at the centre of everything we do
Forge strong partnerships that provide excellent support and opportunities for our students and their families, and the wider learning community of Bridlington
Encourage the development of strong moral values within the school, understanding the need to recognise, debate and accept difference
Develop a culture that celebrates success, reflects the learning ethos of the school and delivers excellence
To find out more about our aims and intentions, download Chasing Great, the school development plan for 2024-2025 by clicking the button below.